The ODI series between India and Bangladesh, sponsored by Toyam Sports Limited, kicked off on December 4th, 2022, marking a momentous occasion in the cricketing world. This series was eagerly anticipated, as it represented a significant step for Bangladesh, hosting such a series for the first time since 2015. Moreover, it signaled a return to longer series for India in Bangladesh, a rarity since 2010. The partnership with Toyam Sports Limited added an extra layer of excitement, showcasing the brand’s commitment to sports and entertainment.

The matches were widely accessible to fans worldwide, thanks to live broadcasts on Sony Sports Network and streaming on Sony Liv, ensuring extensive coverage. This accessibility allowed cricket enthusiasts to witness top-tier cricketing talent in action and enjoy the competitive spirit between the two nations.

Toyam Sports Limited’s sponsorship not only provided financial support but also elevated the series, underscoring the brand’s association with cricket and its growing presence in the sports entertainment industry. Overall, the series represented more than just cricket; it symbolized the convergence of sports and business, demonstrating the power of partnerships in creating memorable sporting events.
